Meet the Team!
The CCHS Wildbots team provides many opportunities for all kinds of interest groups. The different specialty divisions within the club allow for all members to find a place to contribute towards the team’s success.
Team Captain
Kaitlyn Boyd
Team Captain is in charge of running team and leadership meetings, setting up the day’s agenda, and attending to due dates. They actively communicate with team members of the events and are responsible for staying informed on the current events in the FIRST world. The Team Captain also takes care of the business side of Wildbots and works closely with our mentors to manage and model the robotics team.
Programming Lead
Ethan Tuttle
The lead programmer is in charge of making sure the human-to-robot interaction is correct. This is done by programming the robot in Java, a programming language that is commonly used in the industry.
Community Outreach
Jaedyn Bropleh
Community outreach is responsible for contacting businesses in our local community and working on the business plan. They also make sure that younger kids in the area can get involved with robotics early on.
Build Lead
Evan Vecera
Build lead is responsible for overseeing the design and construction of the robot, as well as the management of our build team.